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Workshop v Kodani (november 2023)

PSI group meeting (december 2023) - zapis


Webinar dedicated to the introduction of DCAT-AP for High-Value Datasets, 24 February 2023, 09:30 to 11:30 CET

After an initial brief discussion on this topic during a webinar on the 25th of November 2022 on DCAT-AP, the objective of this webinar is to adapt DCAT-AP in order to meet the needs for describing High-Value Datasets (HVD). Please find below a detailed agenda of the webinar:


  • Governance of this activity
  • Targeting the following outcomes:
    • Agreements on how to use DCAT-AP for describing HVD
    • Query to retrieve all HVD per MS
  • Assessment of the metadata / reporting expectations in the implementing act
    • How these can be mapped to DCAT-AP
  • Open discussion
  • Wrap-up and next steps
