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Workshop v Lublane Ľublane (máj 2023)

Workshop v Kodani (november 2023)

PSI group meeting (december 2023) - zapis


Webinar dedicated to the introduction of DCAT-AP for High-Value Datasets, 24 February 2023, 09:30 to 11:30 CET

After an initial brief discussion on this topic during a webinar on the 25th of November 2022 on DCAT-AP, the objective of this webinar is to adapt DCAT-AP in order to meet the needs for describing High-Value Datasets (HVD). Please find below a detailed agenda of the webinar:


  • Governance of this activity
  • Targeting the following outcomes:
    • Agreements on how to use DCAT-AP for describing HVD
    • Query to retrieve all HVD per MS
  • Assessment of the metadata / reporting expectations in the implementing act
    • How these can be mapped to DCAT-AP
  • Open discussion
  • Wrap-up and next steps


Final list of registrants_data.europa.eu Workshop for National Data Providers, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 22-23.xlsx

Workshop č.2

This face-to-face event will take place from 13 to 14 November 2023 at the Eigtveds Pakus, Strandgade 25D, 1401, in Copenhagen, Denmark, a beautiful location at the heart of the city centre. It will serve as a get-together between public administrations and will be hosted by the Agency for Digital Government of Denmark. In this one-and-a-half-day workshop, we will bring together public sector experts on open data, who primarily have expertise on open data, data policies, data quality and data governance in the organisation. We invite you to register up to two delegates by Friday, 29 September through the registration link. 

in case of any questions do not hesitate to let us know to our functional mailbox

Zaujímavé linky:


https://semiceu.github.io/DCAT-AP/releases/2.2.0-hvd/ nový štandard DCAT s doplnením HVD atribútov